It's been a minute since I blogged, but a lot has changed.
First - I moved. From Kansas City, MO to Dana Point, CA. Two days of hard core driving. Then, when I was just under 3 hours away from my new place, the worst thing ever happened.
My black lab, Lucy, got spooked by my road trip picnic basket when it fell in her seat, and instantly jumped out of the window of my car while we were driving 80 mph!!! I watched in horror as she flipped over and over uncontrollably. I slammed on the brakes, threw the car in park on the median and got out just as she flipped her last couple of times. I expected the worst, but as soon as she stopped tumbling, she got back up on all fours and ran right to me! It was a miracle!
I loaded her in the car and examined the damage. The first thing I could see was blood, and LOTS of it. I got some Subway napkins from my lunch and went to town on her, dabbing here and there. It seemed like everywhere. I breathed deeply - in through my nose and out of my mouth. My hands and knees were shaking, but somehow my mind was clear. I knew what needed to be done. It's crazy how the maternal instinct kicks in - fight or flight is some real deal stuff.
I thought back to a similar incident, when my 11 year old nephew freaked out in the face of fear and I channeled my thoughts about how he could've handled HIS situation and applied them to my reasoning abilities. It worked. I drove carefully and cautiously, while calling on loved ones to help. We made it safely to a vet and got her stitched up and on pain meds ASAP! I spent the night with her - my car still packed to the brim with my stuff.
Here are some words I wrote when she was in surgery:
She can't tell me where it hurts
But I can hear her screaming in pain
Reacting to fear, an emotional day
As I try to play with Annie,
I can't help but hear you, Lucy Q.
Jumped into the street while we were going 80.
I couldn't help but see you, Lucy Q.
I'll never forget that image, Lucy Q.
It took us three more days before we finally got to our new place, and Lucy is getting better everyday! I love her more now than ever before!
Here's a pic of Lu wearing the collar of shame. She hates it. But we gotta do what we gotta do! ;)
I never realized how one little thing, which was completely out of my control, could change my entire life, but now I do. What I had envisioned for my first week in California became something TOTALLY different and taught me a LOT about life and what really matters. It's amazing who you call, who you can count on, and how others interpret the whole situation. Just sayin'. It's been a week from hell and I am actually glad it is Monday! Crazy!?
I can honestly say that God was watching over us and the fact that she didn't have ONE broken bone gives me reason to believe that we definitely had our angels with us. I took this picture from my sunroof - and if you look closely, it looks like God's feet...walking above us. Pretty AWESOME!!!
Here's to the end of the "Dog Days" and a fresh, and completely unexpected new direction for Ms. Panda. Keep ya posted!