Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Toolbox

We all have gifts that must be recognized and built to their full potential in order to fully live out our God given purpose in this life.

The tools needed to realize our gifts and excel in our work are different to each of us individually.

As a writer, my gift is the ability to clearly communicate my thoughts from my heart. My toolbox, however, must be loaded with the right words, pens, journals, computers, knowledge of programs like Microsoft Word, knowledge of how to correctly craft a sentence, and most importantly - the life experience to draw upon that makes for interesting content.

As an artist, one may have the visions in their head for astounding work, but without paints, brushes, canvases, solid techniques, and inspiration in their toolbox, those images might as well remain locked in their mental storehouse forever.

As I've been growing in my faith, I realize that the same concept applies for Christianity. I have the love in my heart and the desire to grow more. The next step is to stock my toolbox with Christian family and friends, lessons from His word, unconditional love and forgiveness to others, chairty and prayer.

As I was praying yesterday, I asked the Lord to give me these things in my life and as I waited in silence - the Holy spirit spoke to me.

These words have come out before...I wonder if they are actual
Bible verses??

It said,
"I am with you - in you and around you.
I am there - don't you know I care?"

I answered,
"Yes Lord, I know you're there.
Yes Father, I know you care."

And I prayed this prayer poem:
"Give me tools. Help me grow. Make my toolbox overflow."

I pray the same prayer for any of you reading this that have a calling to do something BIG-
Something that is in you - a gift from God. I pray that you not only recognize your gift, but run with it, wrapped around your heart, with your arms wide open to receive the tools the He has made for you!


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