Monday, March 7, 2011

No. 1 - 100

As I embark on this blog, I forsee that there may come a time when I need to look extra hard for inspiration and subject matter...  that is why I am posting 100 resolutions, some weak, some strong, to consult when writer's block sets in.

1) Publish a book; any, but preferrably a children's book
2) Discover a new island oasis to travel to
3) Host an Art Gala
4) Go on a musician-centered cruise
5) Start a new fashion trend and make everyone want it uncontrollably
6) Create a piece of art every day, or at least be creative everyday
7) Make tons of new connections, connect people who need each other
8) Find a mentor
9) Tell my family and friends how much I love them as often as I can
10) Have a house party and invite all my neighbors
11) Organize my closet
12) Sell more leather heart shaped necklaces and feather earrings.
13) Get on either The Price Is Right or Wheel of Fortune
14) Get to know my neighbors better
15) Make better decisions in relationships
16) Drink more varietals of wine
17) Have an all-girls sleep over with a hula hooping contest
18) Write in my journal about more daily events so I can remember 10 years from now.
19) Read a chapter in one of the books on my "currently reading" list
20) Run like Forrest Gump
21) Pamper my doggies
22) Get a six pack before John (my work out buddy) does.
23) Write more hand written, send-in-the-mail, S.W.A.K. letters
24) Take lots of pictures and blow up the good ones
25) Collaborate on many projects and document them in journals
26) Do more yoga
27) Pose in more photos, like in classic cars
28) Start my scrapbook, finish it, too
29) Go back to the Carribbean soon
30) Write about my old beach cruiser
31) Write more memoirs about romantic relationships
32) Talk to strangers and listen to what they say; pay more direct attention
33) Help the homeless
34) Start a new tradition
35) Speak my mind, even if my voice shakes
36) Think more about the war, and educate others about its significance.
37) Eat lots of cheesburgers and milk shakes
38) Go to the Theatre as often as possible
39) Ask silly questions
40) Write silly poems
41) Talk to myself more
42) Paint more
43) Go to concerts as much as possible
44) Listen to an academic lecture
45) Read the newspaper everyday, more than the horoscope
46) Drive slower
47) Take more long walks and find pretty houses
48) Eat healthier foods and cook at home more often
49) Read to kids, read kid's books to adults
50) Sing more songs that I make up
51) Plant herbs and keep them abundant
52) See the Statue of Liberty
53) Learn how to scuba dive
54) Get certified to sky dive
55) Go see pandas at any zoo in any city.
56) See the whale show at Sea World (it's supposed to make u cry)
57) Ride in a horse-drawn wagon and over tip the driver
58) Ride a horse
59) Enter a contest
60) Visit an old friend
61) Play a game with a kid
62) Look at the moon and howl
63) Learn about alternative energy
64) Buy compelling art/support local artists
65) Spend time alone
66) Write my dreams in a dream journal
67) Fill my house with fresh flowers
68) Minimalize my clutter
69) Love myself enough to be found by my true love
70) Send more random messages into the universe and see if they get retrieved.
71) Swim in the ocean more often
72) Find new breathtaking views from the city
73) Write a poem, read it out loud, then eat it.
74) Have less expectations and more goals
75) Ride in the sky in something other than an airplane.
76) Dance in the rain
77) Go to more free art galleries.
78) Share a secret
79) Go to the drive-in
80) Eat BBQ in as many places as I can and decide who in KC has the best.
81) Get more massages and give more too!
82) Write five haikus on the same subject
83) Pray often and be thankful for the blessings in my life
84) Hug something
85) Bless people when they sneeze
86) Lay in the grass and ponder life
87) Take a walk everyday to connect to the earth
88) Camp out under the stars, find a constellation
89) Wish on a star
90) Listen to my gut more closely and follow it
91) Take a long, hot, bubble bath
92) Do not rush goodbyes
93) Linger in a kiss
94) Imagine what heaven is like
95) Watch the sun rise
97) If there is something I want to read, and it is not written, write it!
98) Wear more original fashions
99) Try not to get too comfortable
100) Do cartwheels in high heels and pretend I have super powers 

Now, should I ever need an inspiration reference guide, I have one!  Created by me (like in #97).
So ah-ha!  It works and I am not even trying!  I just started this blog because I know that I want to write more, to network with other writers, to learn about publishing and smash out my fears of the unknown.  With knowledge I will grow as a writer and with a network I will surround myself with people who are doing what I would like to do.  I truly believe that we are all relfections of each other and that the law of attraction is here to be used!  So hello!  I am reaching out to YOU!  Read my blog, comment on it, and let me know that you are out there and you have a voice!  I look forward to this journey.  I am eager to share my poetry, short stories, and random thoughts with you.  So sit back, relax and enjoy!

My Womanifesto
I sit down to write my Womanifesto
when the washer spins unbalanced - a quick fix.
I sit back down in my seat and sip my tea

And burn my tongue, but can’t sue Mickey D’s
‘Cause I made it myself!
I survive on my own.
For the rest of my life
My choices will decide
I have much to learn and
Technology bewilders me
mushy, mushy brains me
I must unlock these codes to truly shine!
People, oh people
I love you and I hate you
I wish it was all just my way
But I like to debate you
And spoon you and mate with you
Well, there’s more than I say to you
It’s not easy to be me
To hear me and see me
I say it perfect in my head
It looks great in my mind
And when I try to show you
You are completely blind.

The way you receive me
You judge and confuse me
But this is my journey!
And I choose to be happy
with just me
and my dogs, Lucy and Annie.

Often when I lay down to sleep
Thoughts escape me
And something funny
Will make me laugh.
So random, these memories
The making of a dream
A day I lost in the past
Tomorrow I pray I laugh
Tonight I pray the same
As I did when I was two:

“Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
God Bless…
Mommy and Daddy
My sissy
Lucy and Annie
And every living thing in need.
Tell Grandma and Grandpa and everyone hi!
And give me the strength to do what is right.
A miracle would be nice
But I am happy
In your name I pray--
Oh, and thanks for listening, too
My “woman”-ifesto.


  1. I have become a follower. But what a path to follow! Who could ask for a more interesting, diverse, and spirit-encompassing journey? Panda = Love :) ... Angel

  2. Hey love, glad you took the big jump of faith. You got this and I know I have a place by your side in at least 20 of these inspirational moments...
